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Reyna P., María L Albá; Florencia A Rodríguez; Mariana Gonzalez; César Pegoraro; Andrea C Hued; Marcos Tatián. 2020. What does the freshwater clam, Corbicula largillierti, have to tell us about chlorothalonil effects? Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 208: 111603.
Rodríguez F.A., Reyna P.B., Maggioni T, Giménez D.R, Torre L., 2020. The role of temperature and oxygen availability on Corbicula largillierti distribution. Invertebrate Biology. e12305.


Reyna, P., Ballesteros M.L., Albá M.L., Bertrand L., González M., K.S.B., Tatián M., Hued A.C. 2019. A multilevel response approach reveals the Asian clam Corbicula largillierti as a mirror of aquatic pollution. Sciencie of Total Environment. 692:175-187.

Reyna P.B. Nori J., Ballesteros M.L., Hued A., Tatián M. 2018. Targetting Clams: Insights into the invasive potential, current and future distribution of Asian clams.  Environmental conservation. 1-9.


Reyna, P. & Gordillo, S. 2018. First Report of the Non-Native Snail Rumina decollata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Subulinidae: Gastropoda) in Córdoba (Argentina): Implications for Biodiversity and Human Health. American Malacological Bulletin, 36(1):150-152.


Reyna, P., Gordillo, S., Moran, G. 2018. Visitantes sin invitación: moluscos exóticos de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina). Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 5 (2): 71-80.


Reyna, Paola; Morán Gisela y Tatián Marcos. 2013. Distribution and population structure of invasive Corbiculidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in the Suquía River basin, Córdoba (Argentina). Iheringia, Seríe Zoología. 103(2):77-84


Torre, Luciana y Reyna, Paola. 2012 Bivalvia, Veneroidea, Corbiculidae, Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) New Distribution Record in the Northwest Argentinian Region. Checklist. 9(1): 165


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